Now you can share reviews with other members

A few minutes ago I just shipped a new update that gives members the ability to add reviews to figures. This is a feature I've been trying to tackle for a few weeks. And working on making the app more social has helped me to figure out how to make this happen. This is a first version and there are a few things that I want to do still, like adding likes to reviews, edit, and delete them.

Review screenshot

But what I like the most about this future is that it's taking advantage of the username and profile pic features that were recently released. It's also recording an activity event that will later play out when a news feed is released.

Timeline screenshot

In the coming days I'll work on adding reviews to BAF Figures and to Waves, and liking reviews. Another thing I want to work on is a better listing, filtering and sorting for waves, figures and packages.

Like always, if you have any suggestion, request or feedback, please let me know and I'll figure a way to work on that.

By Alejandro Medina

On Apr 23rd, 2021